E-Commerce Website Design Programing Languages

(Griffiths, 2020)

According to Khaleel et al (2019), in a Journal entitled ''An Empirical Study on Gamification for Learning Programming Language Website'' is mentioned that Programming Languages courses such as HTML, CSS, SQL, C++, Java, etc, illustrate the idea that they are essential for the development of a website. Languages may be simply defined as a set of structured codes written to execute commands or orders to a computer, in other words, in the absence of Programming Languages computers could be useless.  

In addition to Raw Codes, exist a largely set of Programming Languages, such as the previously mentioned. This post focuses predominantly on five main Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Phyton, and Ruby.


HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used for creating web pages that are displayed in web browsers. It is complemented by technologies like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages like JavaScript. Web browsers receive HTML documents either from a web server or local storage, and then transform these documents into visually appealing web pages with multimedia elements. HTML provides the structure and semantic meaning of a web page, originally including instructions for its appearance. It consists of HTML elements, which are the fundamental building blocks of web pages (Saurabh, 2022)

These elements allow the embedding of images, interactive forms, and other objects within the rendered page. HTML facilitates the creation of structured documents by using tags to denote the structural semantics of various text components such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and quotes. Tags are written using angle brackets, and some tags, like <img> and <input>, directly introduce content to the page. Other tags, like <p>, encapsulate and provide information about document text, and may contain additional tags as sub-elements. While web browsers do not display the HTML tags themselves, they use these tags to interpret and render the content of the web page (Saurabh, 2022).


CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets, is a technology that allows for the separation of how a web page looks (presentation) from its actual content. It enables the specification of various aspects such as layout, colors, and fonts. This separation has several advantages. Firstly, it improves the accessibility of content, making it easier for users to consume. Secondly, it provides greater flexibility and control in defining the visual characteristics of a web page. Additionally, CSS allows for the sharing of formatting across multiple web pages by storing the relevant CSS code in a separate .css file. This reduces complexity and repetition in the underlying content structure. Moreover, the use of a separate .css file allows for efficient caching, which enhances the page load speed for web pages that share the same file and its formatting (Saurabh, 2022).


Python is a highly sophisticated programming language that offers a wealth of learning materials. It provides extensive support for third-party tools, enhancing usability and motivating users to continue learning. Python boasts a remarkably simple and elegant syntax, making it significantly easier to comprehend and write programs compared to languages like C++, Java, and C#. Programming in Python is an enjoyable experience that allows users to focus on problem-solving rather than getting caught up in syntax intricacies. For beginners, Python is an excellent choice to initiate their programming journey (IRJET, n.d.).


This is a programming language that gained widespread acceptance rapidly, despite having numerous shortcomings. Unlike other languages, JavaScript did not undergo a testing and refining phase in a controlled environment before being incorporated into Netscape Navigator 2. Consequently, it entered the web development scene in an unrefined state. The language's rise to prominence was primarily due to the failure of Java applets, making JavaScript the default "Language of the Web." It is important to note that JavaScript's popularity is largely unrelated to its inherent programming capabilities or virtues (Crockford, 2015).


''Ruby is a dynamic programming language with a complex but expressive grammar a core class library with a rich and powerful API. Ruby draws inspiration from Lisp, Smalltalk, and Perl, but uses a grammar that is easy for C and JavaTM programmers to learn. Ruby is a pure object-oriented language, but it is also suitable for procedural and functional programming styles. It includes powerful metaprogramming capabilities and can be used to create domain-specific languages or DSLs'' (Flanagan & Matsumoto, 2008).


Griffiths, B (2020) PHP Plush Elephant on a Macbook Pro, with PHP Storm running on it Available at: Blue elephant figurine on macbook pro photo – Free Programming Image on Unsplash (Accessed: 17/07/2023)

Layth Khaleel, F., Sahari Ashaari, N. and Tengku Wook, T.S. (2019) ‘An empirical study on gamification for Learning Programming Language Website’, Jurnal Teknologi, 81(2). doi:10.11113/jt.v81.11133.

Saurabh, S. (2022) ‘Amazon e-commerce website’, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 10(6), pp. 3205–3211. doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.44571.

(No date) Python the fastest growing programming language - IRJET. Available at: https://www.irjet.net/archives/V4/i12/IRJET-V4I1266.pdf (Accessed: 18 July 2023).

Crockford, D. (2015) JavaScript: The good parts. Beijing: O’Reilly. 

Flanagan, D. and Matsumoto, Y. (2008) The Ruby Programming language. Beijing: O’Reilly.


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